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Keeping Quiet MCQ Questions Class 12 | English Flamingo Class 12 Poem-3 MCQ

Keeping Quiet MCQ Questions Class 12 :- Welcome guys In another Blog Of Exam Notes Hub today we provide Keeping Quiet MCQ Questions Class 12 and this Questions is important for Your CBSE exam And also MCQ of English Flamingo  Poem-3 class 12 Is Important for those students who want to crack there CUET Exam so English Flamingo  Class 12 Poem-3 MCQ is important and we also provide Free PDF of CBSE English Flamingo  MCQ for Class 12 with Answers Poem-3 Keeping QuietEnglish Flamingo  MCQs for Class 12 Poem-3

Keeping Quiet MCQ Questions Class 12
Keeping Quiet

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Keeping Quiet MCQ Questions Class 12 | English Flamingo Class 12 Poem-3 MCQ

English Flamingo  MCQs for Class 12, Chapter wise with solutions with free study material is an important notes for students  who wants to score good grades in their CBSE Exams. Student can learn English Flamingo  Class 12 Poem-3 MCQ of Class 12 English Flamingo  Multiple Choice Questions along with answers to get higher Marks in there Exam so are we provide Top 20 Important Questions For English Flamingo  Class 12 Poem-3

English Flamingo  Class 12 Poem-3 MCQ

Question 1: The poem “Keeping Quiet” emphasizes the importance of:


a) Constant activity and busyness

b) Silence and introspection

c) Loud expressions of emotions

d) Competitive spirit

Correct answer: b) Silence and introspection


Explanation: The poem highlights the value of stillness and self-reflection through silence.


Question 2: The poet suggests counting up to twelve in order to:


a) Pass the time

b) Practice arithmetic

c) Achieve tranquility and unity

d) Show discipline

Correct answer: c) Achieve tranquility and unity


Explanation: Counting up to twelve is symbolic of achieving a collective moment of stillness and unity.


Question 3: What is the significance of the phrase “keeping quiet” in the poem?


a) Remaining silent and passive

b) Avoiding communication

c) Engaging in deep introspection

d) Suppressing emotions

Correct answer: c) Engaging in deep introspection


Explanation: “Keeping quiet” refers to more than just physical silence; it implies introspection and contemplation.


Question 4: The poet compares the moment of silence to an “exotic moment” to suggest:


a) Unusual or unfamiliar experiences

b) The need for entertainment

c) Boredom and monotony

d) A time for laughter and excitement

Correct answer: a) Unusual or unfamiliar experiences


Explanation: The phrase “exotic moment” implies a unique and uncommon experience of silence and introspection.


Question 5: The poet’s description of the fisherman and the man gathering salt emphasizes their:


a) Fear of silence

b) Connection to nature

c) Desire for material gain

d) Laziness and inactivity

Correct answer: b) Connection to nature


Explanation: The poet highlights their momentary pause from their tasks to reflect on their actions and surroundings.


Question 6: According to the poet, what must be stopped at once?


a) All kinds of activities

b) Physical movements

c) Thoughts and introspection

d) Wars and conflicts

Correct answer: d) Wars and conflicts


Explanation: The poet calls for an immediate end to various forms of wars, including those against the environment and human conflict.


Question 7: The poet suggests that people preparing for wars should also find time to:


a) Seek revenge

b) Reflect on their actions

c) Enjoy leisure activities

d) Wear uniforms

Correct answer: b) Reflect on their actions


Explanation: The poet emphasizes the importance of introspection and understanding in addition to the preparation for wars.


Question 8: What does the poet caution against confusing stillness with?


a) Inactivity and lethargy

b) Lack of ambition

c) Apathy towards life

d) Death

Correct answer: d) Death


Explanation: The poet advises against mistaking stillness for death, emphasizing that life should be lived positively.


Question 9: How does the poet describe the process of introspection?


a) A painful experience

b) A moment of chaos

c) A solitary journey

d) A quiet examination

Correct answer: d) A quiet examination


Explanation: Introspection is described as a silent and contemplative self-examination.


Question 10: The poet’s reference to the earth teaches us that:


a) Death is inevitable

b) Silence is unnatural

c) Life has its cycles

d) Nature is unpredictable

Correct answer: c) Life has its cycles


Explanation: The earth’s cycles of life and regeneration parallel the idea of introspection leading to renewal.

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Question 11: The poet’s invitation to “keep quiet for a while” implies:


a) Permanently withdrawing from life

b) Refusing to communicate with others

c) Engaging in deep contemplation temporarily

d) Isolating oneself from society

Correct answer: c) Engaging in deep contemplation temporarily


Explanation: The invitation to “keep quiet for a while” encourages temporary introspection and reflection.


Question 12: The poet uses the phrase “sudden strangeness” to convey a sense of:


a) Joy and excitement

b) Unfamiliarity and surprise

c) Anxiety and fear

d) Discomfort and unease

Correct answer: b) Unfamiliarity and surprise


Explanation: The phrase “sudden strangeness” suggests a surprising and unfamiliar experience of silence.


Question 13: The poet’s reference to “green wars against the environment” highlights:


a) The color of the uniforms worn by soldiers

b) The need for camouflage in battles

c) Human conflict against nature

d) The importance of environmental conservation

Correct answer: c) Human conflict against nature


Explanation: The phrase refers to the destructive impact of human actions on the environment.


Question 14: The poet’s call for stillness is a call for:


a) Inactivity and stagnation

b) Non-participation in life

c) A moment of self-awareness

d) Denying one’s responsibilities

Correct answer: c) A moment of self-awareness


Explanation: The call for stillness is meant to encourage individuals to reflect on themselves and their actions.


Question 15: The poet’s reference to “threatening calls of death” suggests that:


a) Death is an inevitable reality

b) Death is always sudden and unexpected

c) One’s actions can prevent death

d) Death can be embraced with open arms

Correct answer: a) Death is an inevitable reality


Explanation: The phrase emphasizes the inescapable nature of death and the need for introspection.


Question 16: The phrase “vast treasure of deep silence” implies that silence holds:


a) Physical riches

b) Hidden emotions

c) Profound insights

d) Countless mysteries

Correct answer: c) Profound insights


Explanation: The phrase suggests that deep silence can lead to valuable self-discovery and insights.


Question 17: The poet’s act of counting up to twelve represents a moment of:


a) Disconnection from others

b) Numerical calculation

c) Unity and stillness

d) Boredom and restlessness

Correct answer: c) Unity and stillness


Explanation: The act of counting symbolizes the collective experience of stillness and unity.


Question 18: According to the poet, introspection can help bring an end to:


a) Human conflicts

b) Joyful moments

c) Silence and solitude

d) Evil thoughts and actions

Correct answer: d) Evil thoughts and actions


Explanation: Introspection can lead to the cessation of negative thoughts and actions.


Question 19: The poem “Keeping Quiet” encourages readers to find solace and peace by:


a) Avoiding introspection

b) Pursuing constant activity

c) Engaging in war

d) Embracing silence and reflection

Correct answer: d) Embracing silence and reflection


Explanation: The poem emphasizes the value of silence and introspection as a means to find peace.


Question 20: The poet’s message in “Keeping Quiet” can be summarized as:


a) Embrace constant busyness

b) Seek pleasure in material possessions

c) Engage in war for survival

d) Practice stillness and introspection

Correct answer: d) Practice stillness and introspection


Explanation: The poem advocates for the practice of stillness and introspection for achieving inner peace and understanding.

MCQ Questions for Class 12 English with Answers Flamingo

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  1. The Last Lesson Class 12 MCQ
  2. Lost Spring Class 12 MCQ
  3. Deep Water Class 12 MCQ
  4. The Rattrap Class 12 MCQ
  5. Indigo Class 12 MCQ
  6. Poets and Pancakes Class 12 MCQ
  7. The Interview Class 12 MCQ
  8. Going Places Class 12 MCQ

Class 12 English MCQ Questions  with Answers  Poems

  1. My Mother at Sixty-six Class 12 MCQ
  2. An Elementary School Classroom in a Slum Class 12 MCQ
  3. Keeping Quiet Class 12 MCQ
  4. A Thing of Beauty Class 12 MCQ
  5. A Roadside Stand Class 12 MCQ
  6. Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers Class 12 MCQ

MCQ Questions for Class 12 English with Answers Vistas

  1. The Third Level Class 12 MCQ
  2. The Tiger King Class 12 MCQ
  3. Journey to the End of the Earth Class 12 MCQ
  4. The Enemy Class 12 MCQ
  5. Should Wizard Hit Mommy Class 12 MCQ
  6. On the Face of it Class 12 MCQ
  7. Evans Tries an O-level Class 12 MCQ
  8. Memories of Childhood Class 12 MCQ

Conclusion :Keeping Quiet MCQ Questions Class 12

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