
My Mother at Sixty Six MCQ Questions Class 12 | English Flamingo Class 12 Poem-1 MCQ

My Mother at Sixty Six MCQ Questions Class 12 :- Welcome guys In another Blog Of Exam Notes Hub today we provide English Flamingo Class 12 Poem-1 MCQ and this Questions is important for Your CBSE exam And also MCQ of English Flamingo  Poem-1 class 12 Is Important for those students who want to crack there CUET Exam so English Flamingo  Class 12 Poem-1 MCQ is important and we also provide Free PDF of CBSE English Flamingo  MCQ for Class 12 with Answers Poem-1 My Mother at Sixty SixEnglish Flamingo  MCQs for Class 12 Poem-1

My Mother at Sixty Six
My Mother at Sixty Six

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My Mother at Sixty Six MCQ Questions Class 12 | English Flamingo Class 12 Poem-1 MCQ

English Flamingo  MCQs for Class 12, Chapter wise with solutions with free study material is an important notes for students  who wants to score good grades in their CBSE Exams. Student can learn English Flamingo  Class 12 Poem-1 MCQ of Class 12 English Flamingo  Multiple Choice Questions along with answers to get higher Marks in there Exam so are we provide Top 20 Important Questions For English Flamingo  Class 12 Poem-1

English Flamingo  Class 12 Poem-1 MCQ

Question 1: What is the central theme of the poem “My Mother at Sixty Six”?


a) The poet’s journey to Cochin

b) The poet’s fear of flying

c) The relationship between a mother and daughter

d) The beauty of young trees

Correct answer: c) The relationship between a mother and daughter


Explanation: The poem primarily focuses on the relationship between the poet and her mother.


Question 2: What is the poet’s emotional state when she looks at her sleeping mother?


a) Joyful

b) Indifferent

c) Pained and agonized

d) Envious

Correct answer: c) Pained and agonized


Explanation: The poet feels intense pain and agony when she looks at her mother, realizing that her mother’s end is near.


Question 3: How does the poet try to distract herself from her thoughts?


a) By focusing on the security check

b) By looking at the airport surroundings

c) By talking to her mother

d) By reading a book

Correct answer: b) By looking at the airport surroundings

Explanation: The poet diverts her mind by looking at young trees and happy children outside, providing a contrasting image.


Question 4: What is the significance of the line “Sleep is upon her, as it was on you”?


a) The poet’s mother is tired

b) The poet’s mother is sleeping

c) The poet’s childhood fear is realized

d) The poet’s mother is dreaming

Correct answer: c) The poet’s childhood fear is realized


Explanation: The line suggests that the poet’s childhood fear of separation from her mother is now realized as her mother sleeps, similar to how the poet used to sleep.


Question 5: What emotion does the poet experience while going through the security check?


a) Guilt and anxiety

b) Excitement and joy

c) Relief and happiness

d) Indifference and boredom

Correct answer: a) Guilt and anxiety


Explanation: The poet smiles to hide her guilt and anxiety while going through the security check.


Question 6: What does the phrase “Familiar ache” refer to?


a) The poet’s mother’s physical pain

b) The poet’s childhood memories

c) The poet’s current discomfort

d) The poet’s fear of flying

Correct answer: b) The poet’s childhood memories


Explanation: “Familiar ache” refers to the poet’s childhood fear of being separated from her mother, which she still feels.


Question 7: What is the poet’s message when she reassures her mother “What should it be to set you at your ease”?


a) The poet will take care of her mother

b) The poet will help her mother sleep

c) The poet will fulfill her mother’s wishes

d) The poet will ease her mother’s pain

Correct answer: a) The poet will take care of her mother


Explanation: The poet reassures her mother that she will take care of her and that they will meet again.


Question 8: The poem “My Mother at Sixty Six” conveys a sense of:


a) Joyful celebration

b) Deep sorrow and impending loss

c) Bitterness towards aging

d) Indifference towards family

Correct answer: b) Deep sorrow and impending loss


Explanation: The poem focuses on the poet’s intense emotional response to her mother’s frailty and the realization of her imminent departure.


Question 9: What contrast is highlighted in the poem?


a) The difference between the poet’s age and her mother’s age

b) The contrast between the poet’s relationship with her mother and other family members

c) The contrast between the airport environment and the car journey

d) The difference between the poet’s thoughts and her mother’s thoughts

Correct answer: c) The contrast between the airport environment and the car journey


Explanation: The poet contrasts the lively and bustling airport surroundings with her mother’s frail and vulnerable condition in the car.


Question 10: Which line suggests that the poet’s mother is close to death?


a) “As after far too much wine”

b) “Open mouthed like a dead bird”

c) “In the shade of a gulmohur tree”

d) “Young trees sprinting”

Correct answer: b) “Open mouthed like a dead bird”


Explanation: The image of the mother sleeping open-mouthed and pale suggests her frail and lifeless appearance, hinting at her impending death.

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Question 11: The poet finds solace in the sight of:


a) Children playing outside

b) The airport terminal

c) The car’s interior

d) Her mother’s open mouth

Correct answer: a) Children playing outside


Explanation: The poet finds temporary distraction and relief from her emotional turmoil by observing the carefree and playful children outside.


Question 12: What is the poet’s reaction when she realizes that her mother’s end is near?


a) She becomes angry and frustrated

b) She starts crying uncontrollably

c) She feels intense pain and agony

d) She laughs out of nervousness

Correct answer: c) She feels intense pain and agony


Explanation: The poet feels profound emotional pain upon realizing that her mother’s life is coming to an end.


Question 13: The poet’s mother is described as “pale” and “colorless” to convey her:


a) Joyful disposition

b) Vibrant personality

c) Vulnerable condition

d) Healthy state

Correct answer: c) Vulnerable condition


Explanation: The descriptions of the mother as “pale” and “colorless” emphasize her fragile and vulnerable state.


Question 14: The poet’s “familiar ache” refers to:


a) Physical pain

b) A childhood memory

c) A recent injury

d) An unexpected encounter

Correct answer: b) A childhood memory


Explanation: “Familiar ache” signifies the poet’s recurring childhood fear of separation from her mother.


Question 15: The poet diverts her mind from her mother’s condition by looking at:


a) The car’s interior

b) The airport surroundings

c) The rearview mirror

d) The open road

Correct answer: b) The airport surroundings


Explanation: The poet diverts her thoughts by observing the lively airport surroundings, including young trees and playful children.


Question 16: The poet describes her mother’s sleep as “open-mouthed” to emphasize her:


a) Restful sleep

b) Indifference

c) Weakness

d) Discomfort

Correct answer: c) Weakness


Explanation: Describing her mother’s sleep as “open-mouthed” suggests her physical frailty and weakness.


Question 17: The poet compares the world to a “rattrap” to convey the idea that:


a) The world is full of danger

b) The world is filled with opportunities

c) People are often trapped by their desires

d) People are unkind to one another

Correct answer: c) People are often trapped by their desires


Explanation: The comparison of the world to a “rattrap” suggests that people can become trapped by their desires and material possessions.


Question 18: What emotion does the poet feel when she realizes that her mother’s end is near?


a) Joy

b) Relief

c) Sorrow and pain

d) Indifference

Correct answer: c) Sorrow and pain


Explanation: The poet experiences intense sorrow and pain upon realizing that her mother’s end is approaching.


Question 19: What does the poet’s mother’s “pale cold face” symbolize?


a) The poet’s own fear

b) The airport environment

c) The passage of time

d) Her mother’s happiness

Correct answer: a) The poet’s own fear


Explanation: The mother’s “pale cold face” symbolizes the poet’s own fear of losing her mother and the emotional pain associated with it.


Question 20: The poet’s mother is compared to a “dead bird” to emphasize her:


a) Joyful nature

b) Fragile appearance

c) Love for nature

d) Ability to sing

Correct answer: b) Fragile appearance


Explanation: The comparison to a “dead bird” underscores the mother’s frail and vulnerable appearance, reflecting her nearing end.

MCQ Questions for Class 12 English with Answers Flamingo

Class 12 English MCQ Questions  with Answers 

  1. The Last Lesson Class 12 MCQ
  2. Lost Spring Class 12 MCQ
  3. Deep Water Class 12 MCQ
  4. The Rattrap Class 12 MCQ
  5. Indigo Class 12 MCQ
  6. Poets and Pancakes Class 12 MCQ
  7. The Interview Class 12 MCQ
  8. Going Places Class 12 MCQ

Class 12 English MCQ Questions  with Answers  Poems

  1. My Mother at Sixty-six Class 12 MCQ
  2. An Elementary School Classroom in a Slum Class 12 MCQ
  3. Keeping Quiet Class 12 MCQ
  4. A Thing of Beauty Class 12 MCQ
  5. A Roadside Stand Class 12 MCQ
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MCQ Questions for Class 12 English with Answers Vistas

  1. The Third Level Class 12 MCQ
  2. The Tiger King Class 12 MCQ
  3. Journey to the End of the Earth Class 12 MCQ
  4. The Enemy Class 12 MCQ
  5. Should Wizard Hit Mommy Class 12 MCQ
  6. On the Face of it Class 12 MCQ
  7. Evans Tries an O-level Class 12 MCQ
  8. Memories of Childhood Class 12 MCQ


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