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The Rat Trap MCQ Questions Class 12 | English Flamingo Class 12 Chapter 4 MCQ

The Rat Trap MCQ Questions Class 12 :- Welcome Back guys In another Blog Of Exam Notes Hub and today our we provide The Rat Trap MCQ Questions Class 12 and this Questions is important for Your CBSE exam And also MCQ of English Flamingo Chapter 4 class 12 Is Important for those students who want to crack your cbse exam paper so this is for you so English Flamingo Class 12 Chapter 4 MCQ is important and we also provide Free PDF of CBSE English Flamingo MCQ for Class 12 with Answers Chapter 4 The Rat Trap important MCQ . English Flamingo NCERT Important MCQ questions with answer chapter 4 

The Rat Trap
The Rat Trap

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The Rat Trap MCQ Questions Class 12 | English Flamingo Class 12 Chapter 4 MCQ

English Flamingo MCQs for Class 12, Chapter wise with solutions with free study material is an important notes for students  who wants to score good grades in their CBSE Exams. Student can learn English Flamingo Class 12 Chapter 4 MCQ of Class 12 English Flamingo Multiple Choice Questions along with answers to get higher Marks in there Exam so are we provide Top 20 Important Questions For English The RaTTrap  Class 12 chapter 4 MCQ 

English Flamingo Class 12 Chapter 4 MCQ


Question 1. Who was the peddler in “The Rat Trap”?


a) A wealthy merchant

b) A crofter

c) A vagabond who sold rattraps

d) A blacksmith


Correct Answer: c) A vagabond who sold rattraps


Explanation: The peddler in “The Rat Trap” was a vagabond who earned a living by selling rattraps and engaging in a little thievery on the side.


Question 2. Why did the peddler refer to the world as a “rattrap”?


a) Because he hated the world

b) Because he enjoyed catching rats

c) Because he believed the world was full of traps and temptations

d) Because he liked to trap people


Correct Answer: c) Because he believed the world was full of traps and temptations


Explanation: The peddler saw a resemblance between the world and a rattrap, where material possessions served as baits, and he believed that the world was never kind to him.


Question 3. What did the peddler learn about the crofter’s income?


a) 10 kroners

b) 20 kroners

c) 30 kroners

d) 40 kroners


Correct Answer: c) 30 kroners


Explanation: The crofter confided in the peddler that his income was 30 kroners, and he even showed him where he had kept the money.


Question 4. Why did the peddler steal the money from the crofter?


a) He wanted to buy a rattrap

b) He needed money for food

c) He wanted to trick the crofter

d) He wanted to escape from the crofter’s cottage


Correct Answer: d) He wanted to escape from the crofter’s cottage


Explanation: The peddler stole the money to get away from the crofter’s place and avoid being caught by people.


Question 5. What realization did the peddler have while wandering in the forest?


a) He had become a skilled thief

b) He was lost and frightened

c) He had fallen into a trap himself

d) He had discovered a hidden treasure


Correct Answer: c) He had fallen into a trap himself


Explanation: While wandering in the forest, the peddler realized that he had fallen into a metaphorical “rattrap” just like the material possessions were baits, and the money he stole was his own trap.


Question 6. Why did the ironmaster invite the peddler to his home?


a) He mistook the peddler for someone else

b) He wanted to give him a job

c) He knew about the stolen money

d) He needed help with his business


Correct Answer: a) He mistook the peddler for someone else


Explanation: The ironmaster mistook the peddler for an old acquaintance, Captain Von Stahl, and invited him to his home.


Question 7. What led Edla to believe that the peddler might have stolen something?


a) His rugged appearance

b) His polite demeanor

c) His extravagant clothing

d) His expensive watch


Correct Answer: a) His rugged appearance


Explanation: Edla assumed that the peddler’s rough appearance indicated that he might be a thief or an escaped convict.


Question 8. How did Edla convince her father to let the peddler stay for Christmas?


a) She threatened to leave home

b) She promised to take care of the peddler

c) She argued with her father

d) She pleaded and assured her father


Correct Answer: d) She pleaded and assured her father


Explanation: Edla convinced her father to let the peddler stay by pleading with him and assuring that the peddler could spend Christmas with them without any harm.


Question 9. Why did the ironmaster want to call the Sheriff after realizing his mistake?


a) He thought the peddler was dangerous

b) He believed the peddler was a spy

c) He wanted to report a theft

d) He suspected the peddler’s intentions


Correct Answer: d) He suspected the peddler’s intentions


Explanation: The ironmaster wanted to call the Sheriff after realizing his mistake because he suspected that the peddler might have had malicious intentions or might be involved in some illegal activities.


Question 10. What did the peddler leave behind when he left the ironworks?


a) A bag of stolen money

b) A note and a rattrap

c) A letter for the ironmaster

d) His old clothes


Correct Answer: b) A note and a rattrap


Explanation: The peddler left a note addressed to Edla, signed as Captain Von Stahl, and a rattrap as a gift along with the stolen money.

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Question 11. According to the peddler, what was the world compared to?


a) A paradise

b) A rattrap

c) A treasure chest

d) A maze


Correct Answer: b) A rattrap


Explanation: The peddler compared the world to a rattrap, suggesting that it was full of traps and temptations just like a baited rattrap.


Question 12. How did the peddler feel about material possessions?


a) He believed they were essential for happiness

b) He prided himself in owning them

c) He considered them traps

d) He disliked them


Correct Answer: c) He considered them traps


Explanation: The peddler saw material possessions as traps that could lead to one’s downfall and suffering, rather than a source of happiness.


Question 13. Why did the ironmaster’s daughter visit the peddler?


a) To ask for money

b) To invite him for Christmas

c) To accuse him of stealing

d) To warn him about the Sheriff


Correct Answer: b) To invite him for Christmas


Explanation: The ironmaster’s daughter visited the peddler to invite him to spend Christmas with her family.


Question 14. What did the peddler do during Christmas Eve at the ironworks?


a) Attended a church service

b) Ate and slept

c) Stole from the ironmaster

d) Explored the town


Correct Answer: b) Ate and slept


Explanation: The peddler spent Christmas Eve at the ironworks eating and sleeping.


Question 15. How did Edla and her father find out about the peddler’s theft?


a) They saw him stealing

b) They heard about it from the crofter

c) They found a letter and the stolen money

d) They overheard the peddler talking about it


Correct Answer: c) They found a letter and the stolen money


Explanation: Edla and her father discovered the peddler’s theft when they found a letter and the stolen money in their home.


Question 16. What did the peddler leave behind for Edla and her father?


a) A stolen rattrap

b) A bag of coins

c) A letter and a rattrap

d) His old clothes


Correct Answer: c) A letter and a rattrap


Explanation: The peddler left a letter addressed to Edla, signed as Captain Von Stahl, and a rattrap as a gift along with the stolen money.


Question 17. How did the ironmaster react when he realized his mistake about the peddler’s identity?


a) He was angry and yelled at the peddler

b) He was amused and laughed it off

c) He called the Sheriff immediately

d) He felt ashamed and apologized


Correct Answer: b) He was amused and laughed it off


Explanation: The ironmaster found the situation amusing when he realized his mistake about the peddler’s identity and did not get angry.


Question 18. How did the peddler view himself in relation to the world?


a) He saw himself as a victim

b) He considered himself superior

c) He believed he was a thief

d) He felt he was part of the world


Correct Answer: a) He saw himself as a victim


Explanation: The peddler viewed himself as a victim of the world’s traps and temptations and considered himself an outsider.


Question 19. What did Edla convince her father to do for the peddler?


a) Give him money

b) Offer him a job

c) Let him stay for Christmas

d) Report him to the authorities


Correct Answer: c) Let him stay for Christmas


Explanation: Edla convinced her father to let the peddler spend Christmas with them despite his true identity and actions.


Question 20. What lesson does “The Rat Trap” convey?


a) The importance of wealth and possessions

b) The dangers of trusting strangers

c) The inherent goodness in every person

d) The inevitability of getting caught


Correct Answer: c) The inherent goodness in every person


Explanation: “The Rat Trap” conveys the message that inherent goodness exists in every individual, and it can be rekindled through love, trust, and understanding. The story shows how compassion and empathy can bring out the best in people, even in those who have made mistakes.

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